BagsID for airlines

Be the change the industry needs

A new vision of baggage. Literally. Currently, below the wing operations are not the highest priority of airline executives, while the baggage domain provides many opportunities for improved performance, new ancillary revenues, cost reduction and for reaching important climate targets.

The baggage vision

Images are the future

A photo of a bag provides unprecedented opportunities and prevents unnecessary discussion with passengers and interline airlines. Where is my luggage?, has it been handled well and has it arrived in good order? False claims from passengers or airlines within prorate agreements will be a thing of the past.

Digital by design

The decision is digital

BagsID is also working on iOS and Android tools with smart features for airlines to expand their mobile apps, as well as plug-in software for DCS and online reservation systems. We're developing the software and making useable data available at a fraction of today's costs.

Baggage profiles provide a wealth of information. The loading of aircraft containers can be optimised resulting in no-show passengers baggage being located significantly quicker than at present. Baggage segregation also becomes more efficient with a virtual tag holding handling or transfer information.

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